The History of the Mississippi River video — The Legends, Legacy and Lore is actually three programs on one disc. PROGRAM ONE — THE PRIZE AND PAWN OF EMPIRES For nearly 150 years after La Salle first claimed it for France, the valley of the Mississippi was claimed and reclaimed won and lost bought and sold by France, England, Spain, and the United States. This production follows the varied history of the river up through the War of 1812 and into the glamorous era of the steamboat! You’ll learn about: Mound builders Indian tribes De Soto French explorers and voyageurs the French and Indian War the Revolutionary War American settlers Napoleon Jefferson the Louisiana Purchase the War of 1812. This is an excellent study of the Mississippi River from pre-history up to the War of 1812. The photography is outstanding. Recommended. — Landers Film Reviews. PROGRAM TWO — STEAMBOAT A-COMING The coming of steam to the Mississippi and its tributaries revolutionized the entire middle section of America. For towns and settlements along the rivers, steamboats were the door to the rest of the world. For nearly 50 years, sleepy river towns were jolted to life by the magical shout Steamboat a-comin! You’ll learn about Mark Twain Southern Mansions the Civil War the coming of the railroad and all about the fabulous steamboat era the time when a steamboat whistle was the sweetest music in the world. Excellent photography and narration bring to life the history and romance of an era long past. Highly Recommended. — Landers Film Reviews. PROGRAM THREE — OL MAN RIVER AND THE 20th CENTURY What Mark Twain said more than 100 years ago is still true today. The Mississippi is not a common river. On the contrary, it is in all ways remarkable. This third program covering the history of the Mississippi focuses on the greatness of the river and its immense drainage basin plus the multitude of changes that have occurred during the 20th century. You’ll learn all about — bridges and ferries locks and dams diesel towboats and flood control. You’ll also be treated to segments on such celebrations and attractions as Mardi Gras St. Paul Winter Carnival Mud Island and the Great River Road. An outstanding study of the Mississippi River. Recommended. — Landers Film Reviews. History buffs, teachers and homeschoolers, plus children of all ages will appreciate this magnificent adventure revealed through rare photos, drawings, valuable memorabilia, and live-action re-enactments. Featuring spectacular cinematography and an inspiring musical score, this Award-Winning three-part video is a program you will want to watch over and over.